Tickets are available for the 2025 season
join at any time.
Membership of the KFHS 100 Plus Club lottery is available to anyone who would like to participate. Applicants do not have to be members of KFHS or members of an affiliated society. Join at any time and your ticket number(s) will be entered into the next draw following your application.
See the 2024 Results below.
1. The Club shall be called the `Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies 100 Plus Club`.
2. The object of the club shall be to support the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies by raising funds for its sole benefit.
3. The Club will be administered by a Committee of the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies and registered with an appropriate Local Authority.
4. Membership shall be open to all Affiliated Societies and also Individuals who wish to participate.
5. A subscription of £12 a year will buy one membership `unit` payable by cheque or cash, in advance of participation of any monthly draw.
6. There shall be no limit to the number of `units` that any one society or member can purchase.
7. A ticket will be issued for every `unit ` or `units` purchased. It will bear a unique reference number for each unit to be used in the draw and a full name and address of the holder. This ticket will act as both receipt and proof of purchase.
8. Each month 50p of every `unit` sold will be allocated for prize money. Three prizes will be calculated in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2 for the 1st : 2nd : and 3rd places respectively. (e.g. if 100 units are sold, the monthly prizes will be 1st £25.00 / 2nd £15.00 / 3rd 10.00. No `unit` is eligible for more than one prize in any one month.
9. All prize money will be paid by cheque to the winning `unit` holder only.
10. Each draw will be witnessed by independent persons.
11. The results will be published in the Federation`s periodic newsletters and website and from the organiser upon written application.
12. Full and proper accounts of all receipts and expenditure will be kept. They will be audited annually together with all records kept by the Federation of Horticultural Societies. A report and financial statement for the club will be presented at the Federation`s Annual General Meeting, though any member may request the production of such records for inspection at any reasonable time.
13. Each annual cycle will begin on 1st January. Any Affiliated Society or Individual joining after that date may pay a pro-rata subscription or, be doubly entered for sufficient draws at the end of the cycle to compensate.
14. In the event of any dispute in connection with the rules or any other activity of the club, the K.F.H.S. Committee shall be the sole arbiters and its decisions shall be final.
15. The payment of the annual subscription will be deemed unqualified acceptance of the rules and conditions set out above.
Please contact: Lyn McKay 100 Plus Club Organiser – for a 2025 a Ticket Application form.
Phone: 01622 746997
Registered with Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.
Results of the 2024 monthly draws:
First Prize £25.75 No.50 Cobham Gardeners Society
Second Prize £15.45 No.92 Chris & Di Spree
Third Prize £10.30 No.17 Name withheld
First Prize £25.75 No.32 Mid Kent Fuchsia Group
Second Prize £15.45 No.75 Shepherdswell Gardeners Club
Third Prize £10.30 No.37 Mr. Richard Foreman
First Prize £25.75 No.77 Theresa MacCabe
Second Prize £15.45 No.21 Name withheld
Third Prize £10.30 No.58 Tonbridge Garden Club
First Prize £25.75 No. 50 Cobham Gardeners Society
Second Prize £15.45 No.51 Dee Samways
Third Prize £10.30 No.91 Gillingham Gardeners Association
First Prize £25.75 No. 63 Anne Hutt
Second Prize £15.45 No.13 Eastry Horticultural Society
Third Prize £10.30 No.43 Lynda Shepherd
First Prize £25.75 No. 33 Sue Moore
Second Prize £15.45 No.97 Marden Horticultural Society
Third Prize £10.30 No.66 Mr. R.J.Simmons
First Prize £25.75 No. 11 Mr.Peter Wheatley
Second Prize £15.45 No. 41 Mrs Sheila Smith
Third Prize £10.30 No.79 Lenham Gardening Club
First Prize £25.75 No. 1 Lyminge Gardeners Society
Second Prize £15.45 No. 16 Name withheld
Third Prize £10.30 No. 8 Whitfield Gardeners Society
First Prize £25.75 No. 25 Halling Gardening Society
Second Prize £15.45 No. 83 Mrs D. Morrison
Third Prize £10.30 No. 3 Linda & Peter Ellis
First Prize £25.75 No.74 Mr. Brian Fryer
Second Prize £15.45 No. 80 Northbourne & Bettshanger Horticultural Society
Third Prize £10.30 No. 20 Name withheld
First Prize £25.75 No.103 Mr. Graham Waller
Second Prize £15.45 No. 28 Pembury Gardeners Society
Third Prize £10.30 No. 82 Appledore Garden Society
First Prize £25.75 No.86 N. V. S. Southern Branch
Second Prize £15.45 No. 23 Name withheld
Third Prize £10.30 No. 89 Chalk Garden Club