Society Details
Mrs Judith Faulks
Phone: —
Mobile: —
Venue: Alexander Centre, Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7AJ
Day(s): Third Wednesday of each month
Dates: —
Time: 19.30
Shows & Plant Sales 2024
Please see the Federation Shows and Sales Calendar page for further details.
March 23 Spring Show
Sept. 14 Autumn Show
Diary 2024
Feb. 21 Sensational Gardens with Caroline Halfpenny
March 20 Growing Flowers for Cutting with Sophie Leathart
April 17 Our Jungle Journey with Exotics with Steve Edney
May 29 Herbal Medicine & Aroma Therapy with Mandy Rickard
June 19 Photographing Flowers & Wildlife in your Garden with Molly Hollman
July 17 Gardening Today with Adam Frost
Sept. 18 Clematis through the Seasons with Everett Leeds
Oct. 16 Container Gardening with Alexandra Cambell
Nov. 20 Establishing an Alpine Garden with Tim Ingrim
Dec. 11 Annual Quiz
About Us
Faversham Horticultural Society is a friendly group of keen gardeners, both beginners and those with more experience.
The Society was established in 1948 with the object of encouraging the cultivation of flowers, fruit and vegetables.
We meet once a month for talks and for social evenings such as quizzes, and we also hold an annual lunch and arrange garden visits.
There are three shows each year, Spring, Summer and Autumn, with a wide range of classes, including flowers, fruits & vegetables.
There are also classes for indoor plants and flower arrangements, home economics and crafts – so you can take part even if you don’t have a garden.
Annual subscription £15.00 per person.
New members are always welcome.
Entry to monthly talks – £3.00
Visitors – £5.00
Access to coach trip
An interesting way to spend a few hours a month with a friendly group of people who share a love of gardening and growing.