Privacy Policy

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have specific requirements as to how the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies (KFHS) communicates with its members and how their Personal Information and Society Information (data) is stored and used. The policy has been written in accordance with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) advice and explains in detail what data the KFHS collects and what that data is used for. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Policy please contact the Honorary Secretary via the details at the bottom of this document.

Personal Information and Society Information (data)
Data provided by members, affiliated society representatives, judges, speakers and 100 Plus Club members, will be used only for the purpose of managing the affairs of the KFHS and this includes:
Title and name, postal address, telephone numbers and email address.  This data will never be sold, nor shared with any third parties, and accordingly, the KFHS has no requirement to register under GDPR.
For certain activities the consent of members, society representatives, judges, speakers and 100 Plus Club members may be required at times and, when necessary, options will be given on individual forms provided.
Retention of Personal Information and Society Information (data)
The KFHS will hold all data for as long as the individual or society remains an active member.  However, this data will be deleted within a period of two years if membership is not renewed, or immediately if written notification is received by the Honorary Secretary. 
Similarly, judges’ and speakers’ data will remain on the Judges’ and Speakers’ List until such time that a written instruction to remove it is received. Notifications for data deletions will be forwarded to current list holders.
Practices, Activities and Services (activities)
The policy takes into account all of the activities that are provided for the benefit of the membership, judges and speakers.  The policy therefore reflects each of the Federation’s activities and clearly indicates that it takes all of its responsibilities seriously. The policy applies to both paper-based filing and computer based electronic systems both of which are securely stored.
Communications are sent by email so as to keep expenses to a minimum. Royal Mail will only be used for paper-based information, this being Handbooks and the Judges’ and Speakers’ lists.  When felt economically expedient other communications will also be forwarded by post.
Information system data security is essential to enable KFHS to ensure that it keeps members’, associates`, judges’ and speakers’ personal data private and secure. KFHS will minimize the risk of unauthorised access to disclosure by ensuring that data is only accessible to those with a genuine need to view it and by encrypting the data when in transit. Data stored electronically is held on a password protected system.  
Membership Rights
By contacting the Honorary Secretary, members have the right at any time to request for changes to be made to, or the deletion of, their data.
This policy may be amended at any time with the latest version then being available to view on the KFHS web site. A hard copy of this policy and the Constitution and Rules of the Federation may be obtained by contacting the Honorary Secretary.

Email: Honorary Secretary:

December 2019