Autumn Show 2025

Autumn Show September 28th  
 Ditton Community Centre, Aylesford, ME20 6AH 




Class 1. Members’ Choice (Societies only)
Open only to Affiliated Societies and other organisations affiliated with the K.F.H.S. All exhibits must be either grown, or made, and contributed by not less than two members and must be entered in the name of the respective society. 

Choose and exhibit ANY FOUR from the following list. Each item or dish will receive a maximum of 10 points, with a further maximum of 10 points for presentation totalling 50 points overall.
The display must be presented within a green frame (provided), measuring 24in/60cm. x 30in/75cm. Minimal garnishing permitted.

a. A dish of five potatoes, any one cultivar.
b. A dish of vegetables, other than potatoes (See General Rule 12 for quantity).
c. A dish of apples or pears (See General Rule 12 for quantity).
d. A dish of fruit, other than apples or pears.
e. A 1lb/454g. jar of preserve which may include jam, honey, marmalade or chutney, or a
   ½lb/227g. jar of any curd or jelly.
f.  A mounted, painting or drawing illustrating a horticultural or wildlife subject or scene.
g. A baked exhibit.
h. An exhibit of handicraft.
i.  A potted plant, flowering, fruiting or grown for foliage.
j.  A KFHS show vase of flowers, one cultivar, any number of stems.

Class 2. Onion Championship

Three dishes chosen from the following, one of which must be shallots.
a. Three onions exceeding 1kg. from set or seed.
b. Three onions exceeding 250g. but not more than 1kg. from set or seed.
c. Three onions up to and including 250g. from set or seed.
d. Six shallots, exhibition.
e. Six shallots, pickling – must not exceed 30mm diameter.

Class 3. Potato Championship

A collection of two dishes of potatoes, one white cultivar, one coloured cultivar, five tubers of each.

Class 4. The Federation Tray

A collection of three kinds of vegetables, three of each kind except for beans, peas, shallots and small tomatoes which must be six, displayed within a green frame (provided) internal measurement 24in/60cm. x 24in/60cm. Garnishing and rings may be used.

Class 5. Tap Root Challenge

Three specimen roots, different kinds, selected from the following:
Carrot, long – Carrot, stump rooted – Parsnip – Beetroot, long.


Class 6. “Eight Distinct Kinds of Vegetables” One specimen of each, displayed within a green frame (provided) with internal measurements 18in/45cm. x 24in/60cm.
Maximum points 10 per item. 

Class 7. “Sunday Lunch for Two” A collection of five kinds of vegetables, one of which must be potatoes, together with a tied bunch of culinary herbs. To be displayed in a basket (provided).

8.   One dish of potatoes – coloured or part-coloured, five tubers.
9.   One dish of potatoes – white, five tubers.
10. Nine pods of French beans.
11. Leeks – blanched or intermediate, three.
12. Parsnips, three.
13. Carrots, long, three.
14. Carrots, stump rooted, three.
15. Onions exceeding 1kg, from set or seed, five.
16. Onions exceeding 250g. but not more than 1kg, from set or seed, five.
17. Onions up to and including 250g. from set or seed, five.
18. Heaviest onion, suitable for table.
19. Shallots, exhibition, ten.
20. Shallots, pickling, ten. – must not exceed 30mm. diameter.
21. Beetroot, globe, three – approx. 60mm to 75mm diameter.
22. Tomatoes, medium -fruited, approx. 60mm. in diameter, five.
23. Tomatoes, small – fruited, round, must not exceed 35mm diameter, nine.
24. Tomatoes, plum type, five.
25. Runner beans, nine.
26. Courgettes, three.
27. Any other vegetable – one kind (see Rule 12 for number to be staged). 

Exhibitors please note: Display boards, plates and baskets etc. are provided for all classes 


Class 28. A collection of 15 apples, 3 cultivars, five of each or 10 apples, 2 cultivars, five of each and five pears, any one cultivar. To be arranged within a frame 18in/45cm. x 18in/45cm. (provided). 

29. One dish of apples, any culinary cultivar, five fruits.
30. One dish of apples, any dessert cultivar, five fruits.
31. One dish of pears, any culinary cultivar, five fruits.
32. One dish of pears, any dessert cultivar, five fruits.
33. One dish any other kind of fruit, one cultivar, and quantity to be staged in accordance 
      with R.H.S listings. 


Class 34.
      Three vases, three distinct cultivars, three distinct classifications or sub groups,
     blooms per vase (unless pompons or miniatures then five blooms in a vase are

35. Three blooms, medium decorative, one or more cultivars.
36. Three blooms, small decorative, one or more cultivars.
37. Three blooms, miniature decorative, one or more cultivars.
38. Three blooms, water lily, one or more cultivars.
39. Three blooms, medium cactus OR semi-cactus, one or more cultivars.
40. Three blooms, miniature or small cactus and/or semi-cactus, one or more cultivars.
41. Three blooms, small or miniature ball, one or more cultivars. 
42. Three blooms large, one or more cultivars.

Class 43. “The Barry Ridsdale Challenge”
      Six blooms, pompon, one or more cultivars. 

44. Three blooms, collarette, one or more cultivars.
45. Three specimen blooms each of a different cultivar.
46. “Traveller’s Choice
      A MINIMUM of 5 blooms and a MAXIMUM of 8 blooms, any cultivars (dahlias and/or 
      chrysanthemums) mixed allowed. Entries accepted on show day.
47. One specimen bloom, any cultivar, up to and including medium.
48. One specimen bloom, any cultivar, large or giant. 


Class 49.
       Three vases, large and/or medium-flowered, three distinct cultivars, three blooms of one
        cultivar in each vase.

50. Three blooms, reflexed, any cultivar or cultivars.
51. Three blooms, incurved, any cultivar or cultivars.
52. Three blooms, intermediate, any cultivar or cultivars.
53. One specimen bloom, large-flowered.
54. One specimen bloom, medium-flowered.
55. Three stems, spray, one or more cultivars.
56. Three blooms medium-flowered, any cultivar or cultivars.
57. Specimen stem spray chrysanthemum, any cultivar. 

Other Flowers and Plants 

58. Two vases garden flowers, two different kinds excluding chrysanthemums and dahlias.
59. One specimen rose, large-flowered.
60. Three stems roses, cluster-flowered.
61. Three stems roses, large-flowered.
62. One vase, mixed foliage and/or grasses (to be judged on quality and variety not 
63. One vase, seven stems, zinnias.
64. One vase, annuals, other than zinnias.
65. Three cut stems of fuchsia, mixed allowed.
66. One vase of mixed flowers.
67. One vase of berries and/or fruits, minimum of three different types.
68. One pot plant, flowering – maximum pot size 6in/15cm.
69. One pot plant, flowering – maximum pot size 10in/25cm.
70. One pot plant, foliage – maximum pot size 10in/25cm. 


A Coffee Sandwich cake – size approx. 7in/18cm dia.
72. Three Lemon Merinque tartlets.
73. A Bakewell Tart – size approx. 7in/18cm dia.
74. Nine Homemade Sweets – three of three different kinds.
75. Novice Class – Three Blueberry Muffins (see General Rules) .

White lids and labels. Cellophane tops for curds. 

Class 76. 
      Display any three jars from the following:
      ½lb/227g. jar of any curd. 
      ½lb/227g. jar of any jelly.
      1lb/454g. jar of any other preserve.
       Example: One jam, two curds – one marmalade, one chutney, one jelly.
       The choices are yours.


77.  An exhibit made with needles. Not exhibited at previous Federation shows.
       Space allowed 24in/60cm. x 24in/60cm.

78. `Autumn Wonders`
       An informal exhibit using all natural plant material which may include flowers fruit                   and/ or vegetables. Space allowed 24in/60cm x 24in/60cm. height unrestricted.
      Exhibitors may use their own containers

No entry fee for these age groups
Please contact the Shows Administrator for a separate Form 


79.  A decorated hard-boiled egg.


80.   A Collage/sculpture using recycled material.


The Kent County Garden Produce Committee Challenge CupInter-Society Challenge  –  Northbourne & Bettshanger Horticultural Society 
The Federation Onion Trophy – Mr. Chris Spree, Stockbury
The Barry Ridsdale Potato Memorial Print – Mr Chris Spree, Stockbury
The Lewisham Challenge Cup – Mr. Chris Spree, Stockbury
The Garrad Challenge Cup – Mr. Roger Simmons, Maidstone
The Rochester Cup – Mr. Roger Simmons, Maidstone
The Bugge`s Challenge Cup – Mr. Peter Ellis, Bekesbourne
Viscountess Massereene & Ferrard Challenge Trophy – Mr. Mr. Robin Moyser, Maidstone
The K.F.H.S. Dahlia Trophy – Mr. Robin Moyser, Maidstone
The Harmsworth Cup – Mr.Doug Drury, Pembury
The Tiarks Cup – Mr. Doug Drury, Pembury
The Evelyn Ogg Cup – Mr. Richard Derring, Croydon 
The Mrs C. P. Black – Mr. Michael Wickwar, Leybourne
The K.F.H.S. Autumn Show Trophy – Mr. Roger Simmons, Maidstone 

 Class 6 – Eight Kinds of Vegetables – Mr. Roger Simmons, Maidstone
 Class7 – Sunday Lunch for Two – Mr.Peter Ellis, Bekesbourne
 Class 28 – Best Collection of Fruit – Mr.Peter Ellis, Bekesbourne
 Class 43 – The Barry Ridsdale Challenge (Pompons) – Mr. Robin Moyser, Maidstone
 Class 75 – Home Economics (Novice Class) – Miss Holly May
 Class 77 – Best exhibit Craft, Needlework – Mrs Carole Passey, Tonbridge 
 Class 78 – Best exhibit Craft – Pat Lambert, Gillingham
Class 79 – Junior ( 8 Years & Under) James Dorey – Aylesford
Class 80 – Junior (9 Years & Over)Emma Dorey – Aylesford

The Royal Horticultural Society Banksian MedalMrs L Ellis – Bekesbourne

Congratulations to ALL WINNERS of Cups,Trophies & Certificates.

