Society Details
Mrs Katrina Sellers
Phone: — 01233 720238
Mobile: —
Venue: All events are at the British Railway Staff Association, Beaver Road, Ashford, Kent. TN23 7RR
Day(s): Usually 3rd Sunday in the month
Time: 14.30
Please see the Federation Shows and Sales Calendar page for further details.
March 24 Spring Show
April 21 Orchid Sale
October 20 Autumn Show
Nov. 17 Orchid Auction
Diary 2024
Jan. 21 Wild Orchids in rthe U.K. with Ian Hadingham
Feb. 18 Growing Orchids at Kew Gardens with Bala Kompalli
May 19 TBA
June 16 TBA
July 21 TBA
August TBA
Sept. TBA
Dec. TBA – Members Christmas Social, must be pre-booked.
About Us
Our membership year starts in August, rates are reduced from January for new
members who join from then to July. Your society aims to present interesting and
informative speakers, auctions to increase you collection of orchids, and to sell
surplus orchids, monthly table shows and friendly support for beginners.
£17.50 for an individual
£25.00 for two at same address
£7.50 for additional adult at same address
£5.00 for student
Free entry to all of our events, you may enter orchids in monthly table shows,
monthly newsletter, advice on all aspects of orchid growing, a friendly and supportive
group of enthusiasts with experienced growers always willing to help and encourage