Summer Show Photographs 2024

Floral Tribute to Roger Austin
KFHS President 2022 – 2024 

Just a sample of the super Summer Show exhibits    


Presentations being made by
The Lady Kingsdown O.B.E.
Patron of the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies

The Ladies from Twydall Village Garden Club being presented with the Kent Garden Produce Committee Challenge Trophy
Winners of Class 1 `Members Choice`    

Roger Simmons being awarded the W.J.Wilson Challenge Cup
Winner of Best Exhibit in Vegetables and Fruit  
Linda Ellis with her award as winner of the `June Salver`
Best single vase of Sweet Peas
Winner of the Kent and Sussex Farmer`s Cup
Best exhibit of Cut Garden Flowers and Foliage
Bryan Everest of Westerham
Winner of the Geoffrey Wickham Trophy` for Best Pot Plant
Oliver Milner

Winner of the Ellen Trophy for Best Exhibit of Home Economics
Richard Dorey of Aylesford

Christine Goodey was awarded the
Stuart Ogg Trophy.
for the Best Vase of Roses,
but was not presented to Christine in error.
Apologise to Christine.

Richard Borthwick winner of the K.F.H.S. Summer Show Trophy
for Best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show.

Well done to all exhibitors for providing us all with a Super Show
