Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies
6th Draft Reviewed by the Committee – Changes to Committee Composition.
Approved at the 2017 A.G.M.
Privacy Policy added December 2019
The contents of this document govern all practices of the Federation.
Amendments may only be approved at an Annual General Meeting or
Extraordinary General Meeting.
1. The organisation shall be called the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies.
2. The objectives of the Federation shall be to foster and promote the pursuit of all aspects of horticulture and related activities.
Shall be nominated by the committee of the Federation and appointed at the following Annual General Meeting.
The President shall enjoy the full privileges of the Federation Membership.
a. Any horticultural society, association, guild, club, institute or similar body within the county of Kent.
b. Any individual resident within the county of Kent.
c. Any society or individual residing outside of Kent having first received the approval of the Federation committee.
The committee may confer Honorary Life Membership on anyone who, in its opinion has rendered significant service to, or on behalf of, the Federation.
The affairs of the Federation shall be managed by one body with the power to appoint ad hoc sub committees and co-opt additional members if necessary. This body, hereinafter shall be called `the committee` shall consist of the following:
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, and Membership Secretary.
Newsletter Editor, Summer and Autumn Shows Co-ordinators, 100Plus Club
Organiser, Trainee Judges` Organiser, Judges and Speakers List Organiser, Quiz
Organiser, and representatives from such other Horticultural Organisations considered appropriate.
Any Affiliated Society, Individual Member or the Federation Committee may nominate a candidate or candidates for election to the committee.
Federation committee meetings shall be held not less than once in three months at which a quorum shall consist of not less than two officers and four other committee members. Decisions shall be taken on a simple majority.
The Chairman shall have the casting vote.
Shall be held in March each year.
The agenda for the meeting shall include:
a. The appointment of the President and Honorary Members.
b. The Annual Report by the Chairman.
c. (i) The report and audited statement of accounts by the Treasurer.
(ii) Setting of affiliation fees and subscription for the ensuing year.
d. The report and audited statement of accounts by the 100Plus Club Organiser.
e. Election of Officers and Committee.
f. The appointment of an auditor.
Notice and details of Annual General Meetings to be given to Affiliated societies and Individual members not less than 28 days prior to the meeting.
Proposals for inclusion on the Agenda must be received by the Honorary Secretary by 31st January.
A quorum shall consist of at least 10 persons eligible to vote.
Each Individual member, Committee member and Affiliated Society shall have one vote only.
Societies or Individual members unable to be present may vote by proxy, on giving notice to the Honorary Secretary not less than 7 days prior to the meeting.
The Chairman shall have the casting vote.
May be convened by the Committee at any time, or by written request of no fewer than ten Affiliated societies and/or Individual members, accompanied by the proposal/s to be on the agenda.
At Extraordinary General Meetings, only the items appearing on the agenda shall be discussed.
The rules of the Annual General Meeting shall otherwise apply.
All affiliation fees and subscriptions shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary called for that purpose, and will take effect from 1st January or the ensuing financial year.
Membership shall be deemed to have ceased if the subscription or fee has not been paid by March or the A.G.M. whichever is earlier.
Any initial affiliation fee or subscription for membership shall cover the period to the end of the current year except when such application is made after 30th September in which case shall extend to the next year following.
The financial year for the Federation shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December each year.
The Honorary Treasurer shall;
a. Received all payments to the fund.
b. Make payments from the fund on behalf of the Federation.
c. Maintain appropriate and accurate records of all financial transactions.
d. Oversee funds which, other than petty cash, must be held in a bank or other account / accounts as deemed appropriate by the committee.
e. Arrange for cheques to be signed by two or three named officers and/or committee members as appointed by the committee.
f. Arrange for annual audit by an examiner who shall not be an officer or a member of the committee and who is appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting.
g. Present audited accounts for approval at the A.G.M.
An account shall be established to hold moneys for a period of six years on behalf of any defunct society previously affiliated.
Should the society be revived during that period, the moneys held would be refunded. During the time that funds are deposited in this account, any interest shall be credited to the K.F.H.S. After six years have elapsed, the original capital sum deposited shall be transferred to the funds of the Federation, but should any society depositing funds in this account be revived, the Federation Committee would consider awarding a grant.
The Federation shall aim to hold two shows each year. A Summer show and Exhibition which may be held at the invitation of the Kent County Agricultural Society Committee at the Kent Showground, Detling in July, and an Autumn show held at a venue approved by the committee.
In the event of being decided at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting that the activities of the Federation shall cease to function, then subsequent to a vote, its funds and assets shall be disposed of according to the wish of that meeting.
13. Any matter or matters for which provision is not made in these rules, shall be decided by the Committee. Approval or changes may be made at the next Annual or Extraordinary Meeting of the Federation.