Kent Dahlia Society Otford, Kent


Society Details


Mrs Shirley Winters – Secretary
Phone: 01732 847560
Mobile: —


Venue:  Otford Village Memorial Hall, High Street, Otford, Kent, TN14 5PQ
Dates: TBA

Shows & Plant Sales 2025
Please see the Federation Shows and Sales Calendar page for further details.



Diary 2025  


About Us


Kent Dahlia Society was founded in 1965. The Society is open to anyone interested in Dahlias, whether they wish to exhibit or just enjoy growing them for general garden use.
Everyone is welcome. Society members come from many other counties including Essex, Surrey & Sussex.
Our membership includes those who belong because they enjoy dahlias and grow them for pleasure in their garden, and those who are well established national exhibitors
who take part in the National Dahlia Society shows.
Our annual show held in September includes open classes. The show is one of the largest in the South East, attracting exhibitors of national standard.
This does not deter the less experienced exhibitor from entering.
We hold two plant sales a year in May. Dahlia plants of exhibition quality are available together with a selection of general garden plants, herbs and vegetables.

Members meetings are held at Otford on a variety of subjects, not always dahlias. We have one meeting in March and one in October.


Annual subscription: £3.50 per person.
All are welcome – we have a very friendly membership.


Members’ meetings.
Schedule and Newsletters.